Covid-19 Policy 21-01-21

Masks are compulsory to use our service

This includes Exempt passengers as we cannot risk our employees contracting the virus either directly or asymptomatically.

Our Driver’s Contact with your personal possessions is not recommended due to current risk factors for transmission of the virus. Please do not be offended if our driver does not automatically assist with your belongings.

Our Drivers make every effort to ensure our vehicles are disinfected after each journey. This includes all common touch areas and seating.

Ideally All payments should be Contactless by Card or online.

Cash should be avoided at every opportunity but if used then hand sanitiser is available in Taxi, in addition to us spraying the cash on receipt.

Passengers may be refused carriage if they show symptoms of a cold/coughing or are not wearing a Mask.

In most situations Passengers must not sit next to the driver.

If unavoidable, then keep windows open to improve ventilation.

Canterbury Taxis
Canterbury Taxis
Canterbury Taxis
Canterbury Taxis
Canterbury Taxis
Canterbury Taxis
Canterbury Taxis
Canterbury Taxis
Canterbury Taxis
Canterbury Taxis